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What’s Good About Anger? Dealing with Rage Fifth edition for community groups and a general readership
Group Guidelines
- Anger Survey and Progress Report
- Anger’s Many Faces
- The Power of Anger
- When Anger Is Good
- Defusing Anger by Managing Stress
- Handling Anger Effectively
- Anger and Assertiveness
- Managing Conflict
- Turn Your Anger into Forgiveness
- When to Take a Break
- Cognitive Distortions
- Log Your Thinking
- Plan to Change Your Life by Changing Your Thinking
- How Emotional Intelligence Impacts Anger
- Summary
Frequently Asked Questions About Anger
Most people believe that anger is a negative emotion from which no good can come. Many people think that anger should not be expressed and that such feelings are sinful. This book explores the emotion of anger and how anger – which is a part of the human experience – is a force which can be used for good. Co-authors Lynette Hoy and Ted Griffin present a fresh approach to managing anger through: identification of triggers, stress management, problem-solving, assertiveness, conflict management, forgiveness and challenging false beliefs and thinking.
Chronic anger can be costly – physically, emotionally and relationally. Most people can use their anger in appropriate ways in some situations, and yet can be ineffectual or harmful in other situations. Applying principles from the What’s Good About Anger? book and workbooks can reduce your levels of anger, and help you learn effective coping behaviors to stop escalation and to resolve conflicts. Logging anger, triggering situations and applying new skills will help you more effectively control unhealthy anger responses.
This 2016 edition book is co-authored by Lynette Hoy, NCC, LCPC, and Ted Griffin, editor/writer. Mrs. Hoy is a National Certified Counselor, marriage and family counselor licensed in the state of Illinois, crisis counselor and anger management specialist. Mrs Hoy is an Anger Management Specialist-V, Diplomate, Supervisor and Consultant with the National Anger Management Association. Mrs. Hoy has trained and educated hundreds of clients, couples and students in anger management. Contact Lynette Hoy for questions about these resources at:
CounselCare Connection, P.C.
Lynette Hoy, NCC, LCPC
1200 Harger Rd., Suite 602
Oak Brook, IL 60523
Ph: 630.368.1880