Anger Management Coaching Services


Are you looking for Anger Management Coaching Services?

Are you a professional, executive, corporate manager, business man or woman overwhelmed with anger, stress and conflict on the job?
Or maybe you are dealing with too much stress and anger in your marriage or other significant relationships?

You can find help to cope and conquer through the new Anger Management Institute – Coaching services. Includes personal and confidential (phone or office) interview, assessments and written evaluation.

Anger Management Coaching Assessment and Evaluation ($250.00) for individuals, business executives & health professionals
The Anger Management Institute
Provides Anger Management Coaching Services with Lynette J. Hoy, NCC, LCPC, CAMS-V & Steve Yeschek, LCSW, CAMS-IV

National Anger Management Association Diplomates, Consultants, Supervisors and Anger Management Specialist-1V

COACHS – Creating Opportunities, Approaches and Changes for Highest Success – in Anger Management

Forward-looking; Success-oriented; Life-transforming

Are you looking for Anger Management Coaching Services?

Are you a professional, executive, corporate manager, business man or woman overwhelmed with anger, stress and conflict on the job?
Or maybe you are dealing with too much stress and anger in your marriage or other significant relationships?

You can find help to cope and conquer through the new Anger Management Institute – Coaching services. This individualized service is offered utilizing:

1. Skilled and trained providers who have completed our program and been certified as Anger Management COACHS and/or Trainers.

2. The Anger Management Institute COACHS program and curriculum for 1-6 months of individual office or phone coaching. 

3. Referrals to Anger Management Coach providers will be made through the Institute.

So what is Anger Management Coaching?

A professional partnership between a qualified anger management coach and you that supports the achievement of extraordinary results, based on anger management goals set by you. Through the process of Anger Management coaching, you can focus on the skills and actions needed to successfully produce your highest and best results in your job, at home and in relationships. The goals in anger management coaching are focused on research-based anger management techniques and emotional intelligence development found in the What’s Good About Anger Curriculum.

Anger management coaching assesses your issues and needs and incorporates Emotional Intelligence areas of development: Self-awareness, Self-management and motivation, Social Awareness and Relationship management.

Anger Management coaching concentrates on where you are now and what you are willing to do to get where you want to be in the future in regards to managing and transforming your anger. This includes a thorough assessment.

Anger Management coaching typically assesses your current opportunities and challenges, defines the scope of the relationship with your coach, identifies priorities for action, and establishes specific desired outcomes relating to anger and conflict management issues. This aspect leads to greater self-awareness.

Anger management coaching is based on trust, collaboration and permission.

Anger management coaching seeks to help you transform the energy of anger into positive channels which benefit your life and relationships as a whole. This aspect leads you to greater self-management and motivation.

Anger management coaching helps you focus on practical, effective methods for anger change implementing such skills as: assertiveness, problem-solving, empathy, forgiveness, cognitive restructuring, and more! This aspect enhances your ability to manage and motivate yourself, become socially aware and develop healthy relationships.

Through the Anger Management coaching process you gain clarity which supports the most effective actions to achieve your goals. Anger Management Coaching accelerates your progress by providing greater focus and awareness of possibilities, opportunities, approaches and changes regarding choices you can make in the areas of anger management and emotional intelligence.

Anger Management Coaching Assessment/evaluation only: includes personal and confidential (phone or office) interview, assessments and written evaluation. $250.00. Pay above now:

What are the benefits of Anger Management coaching?

When you engage in an Anger Management Coaching relationship – you can anticipate experiencing and developing the following:

  1. fresh perspectives about anger management and it’s opportunities,

  2. enhanced thinking and decision making skills for achievement of goals,

  3. improved interpersonal effectiveness and emotional intelligence skills,

  4. increased understanding and confidence about life, roles and relationships!

Anger Management coaching seeks to produce results, new life-skills, self-confidence and positive ways of perceiving the world and developing relationships.


How is Anger Management coaching delivered? What does the process look like?

Anger Management Concepts, models and principles are based on the What’s Good About Anger Institute books and workbooks which include teaching from the behavioral sciences, spiritual traditions and anger management research. The anger management coaching process includes: one – one-hour session per month and three 15 minute sessions (one per week) with your individual Anger Management Coach by phone. If you live in the Chicago-land area – the one-hour office appointments may be scheduled each month; 15 minute sessions will be held by phone.

*Anger management coaching is a distinct service which focuses on an individual’s life as it relates to anger management and emotional intelligence goal setting by you – the client, outcome creation and personal change management. Coaching is forward moving and future focused.
Complete the following application and credit card payment form to begin your personal Anger Management Coaching services. Confidential services provided with the Anger Management Institute!